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Exceptional Rewards


Ari Thomas
Emerald Isle, NC., 16" x 12",  oil on canvas
The Portrait Society of America, 2021
Members Competition

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"The World is my Oyster"    24" x 36", oil

1st Place in

The Portrait Society of Atlanta's 2021 Fall Open Juried Exhibition

Atlanta, GA

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"The Passing of the Brush"
30"x 40", oil

  • 2016 – 2nd Place winner in the Daughters of the American Revolution American Heritage Committee, Art & Sculpture Competition - Oil Painting category    


This oil painting celebrates the arts through images of art depicting our country’s quest to gain and maintain our freedom from the time of our founding daughters, (Daughters of the Revolution) to the present, and into our future.

As you look at the painting, your eye moves around a dominant central image. You pass though images that seem to move in and out of each other. You continually discover different images as you figure out how they fit together and relate to each other. The images are of significant events and people from the Revolutionary War. I also put an image of my father who was a pilot in WWII and soldiers in combat. On the right you see me painting a portrait of my husband, a Marine, I am using a green brush. The central figure is myself with my granddaughter. I am showing her how to draw with a green pen signifying the passing of my artistic gift to her, the next generation, to continue the celebration of art into the future.  Thus the title: “The Passing of the Brush”.


"Pondering, Self Portrait"
16"x24", oil


  • 2010 – Honorable Mention, Atlanta Fine Arts League’s 4th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Atlanta, GA

  • 2010 – Finalist, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club’s 114th Annual Open Exhibition at the National Arts Club, NYC

  • 2011 – Finalist, Faces of Spring, The Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists and Lyme Art Association, CT

  • 2011 – Honorable Mention, The Portrait Society of America Member's Only Competition, category "Out of the Box"

  • 2011 – Honorable Mention, The Portrait Society of America Member's Only Competition, category "Out of the Box"

  • 2012 – Finalist, "Pondering, Self Portrait" - American Artist Professional League 84th Grand National Exhibit, Salmagundi Club, NYC

"The Trumpet Player"
30" x 40", oil


  • 2008 – The John Collins Memorial Award, American Artist Professional League 80th Grand National Exhibition. Salmagundi Club, NYC


  • 2008 - Finalist,Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 112th Juried Competition, National Art Club, NYC


  • 2009: Finalist, The Richeson 75/Portrait and Figure Juried competition, Wisconsin


  • 2009: Honorable Mention, Monmouth County Arts Council Juried art show, New Jersey

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