Fine Art Oil Portrait Artist
Official and Family Heirloom Fine Art Portraits
Portrait Society of America Award Winner
DAR American Heritage Award Winner
American Artist Professional League Award Winner
Portrait Society of Atlanta Award Winner
Fees & Procedure
Oil Portraits
Head - 16 x 20in - $5,000.00
Head and shoulders - $7,000.00
(does not include hands)
3/4 Figure - $10,000-$15,000.00
(includes hands)
Full Figure - $15,000.00-$25,000
Lifescape - $ on request
Prices may vary due to background and size of painting.
All travel, lodging, framing, applicable taxes and shipping expenses are in addition to the prices listed above.
Additional figures on separate canvases are 10% less than prices listed above, when ordered within six months of the first order.
Animals may be added to the portrait for an additional 20-40% of figure price depending on size of the animal.
Irene feels comfortable working closely with her client throughout the portrait process. The portrait can be painted from a live sitting, a client's photo or photos Irene takes herself. After meeting the client and showing a portfolio of paintings, Irene discusses the client's wishes and ideas. If the client would like, Irene will take photos of the subject in different poses and expressions. After discussions with the client a composition is decided upon. At this point a 50% deposit is required and Irene will proceed to work on the portrait from photos, with possible sittings, or arrange a date for sittings to start. As the portrait progresses, Irene will invite input from the client, whether via e-mail images or the client coming to her studio. When the client is fully pleased, the portrait will be delivered and the balance paid. The client will always have the option of making minor corrections or changes to the portrait.